Enrolment Is Not Secured Until Full Registration Is Paid
Fees Will Be Charged Monthly Via Direct Debit
Monthly Direct Debit Will Be Charged On 15Th Of Each Month (February – December)
Direct Debit Payments Can Be Set Up To Come Directly From Bank Account Or Via Recurring Credit Card Payments
Applicable Service/Bank/Credit Card Charges Will Apply.
All Fees Are GST Inclusive
No Refunds Will Be Given.
Enrolment Carries Over Perpetually To The Next Term. Unless Otherwise Agreed. 28 Day Cancellation Period Applies. All Cancellations Must Be Received In Writing To Fancifootworkoffice@Gmail.Com
Students who start after February 2023 will be invoiced one off balloon payment when they start (to cover extras portion of monthly fees) and then regular monthly payments will begin. This does not include paying for classes before the student starts.
Dance, fitness & cheer class can involve risk of personal injury. While Fanci Footwork takes all reasonable care in the conduct of classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst participants are in or near the studio. Students are responsible for ensuring they are physically and medically fit for class and during class must at all times take care of their physical safety.
Fanci Footwork Dance & Cheer uses safe dance injury prevention and management strategies.
All classes must be paid for whether attended or not.
Late fees will incur extra charges unless arrangements are made with the principal and applied for in writing.
By registering you give permission for your child to be involved in group and individual photos and videos and give permission for these photos to be used in promotion for Fanci Footwork Dance & Cheer.
FFDC students and their parents or guardians must comply with current FFDC covid19 safe policy and associated procedures (these will be emailed after enrolment).
At Fanci Footwork Dance & Cheer we take very seriously the position and role we play for young people in our community. We are committed to maintaining best practices in relation to hygiene standards and will always strive to make our environment safe, supportive, nurturing and joyous for our students. Covid-19 measures are in line with current government guidelines and will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. We ask families to stay up to date with these policy changes by regular checking and reading of email, joining closed Fanci Family 2022 facebook group & regular checks of BAND.
If, for reasons out of our control FFDC is unable to run classes in studio these classes will be moved online. This may result in changes to the timetable.
All virtual (zoom) sessions will be recorded by the host to be archived for insurance purposes. Attendees must not record virtual (zoom) sessions or share any online, pre-recorded or printed content.
If any classes do not meet minimum numbers or are not being well attended, they may be removed from the timetable.